i have a kindle fire hd too and i cant get virtue. when i look at dragons in the shop, i cant find virtue. btw add PokemonLeagueBeater and i send lots of gold. im a lv. 35 and i STILL dont have virtue.
I too have a kindle fire. I'm a level 41 and do not have a Virtue dragon. However in my continuing quest to attain one I have acquired 12 Love dragons 9 Laserlight 2 Sunrise and 1 Tusker. still continuing with absolute determination! I WILL get a Virtue Dragon!
Maybe your working in the wrong dragon story, there are several dragon storys. dont look in the new dawn version, look for dragon story or dragon story spring edition
Level 70 and still no virtue. Beginning to think I need to make the love dagon my houses mascot grrr!
I bred a LIght and an Athletic Dragon and with a 2 day breeding time the calculator says it's VIrtue! Doing my happy dance now.
Breed Fire and Light, 3 possibilities virtue 33h, love 5h and laserlight 15h. Good Luck !!