I'm doing ok with the expansion section, but getting a lot of duds with the dragon side. Any tips?
I'm doing ok with the expansion section, but getting a lot of duds with the dragon side. Any tips?
You need to go to the topic Mining on the Wiki (not the Forum). Type Mining in the search box above right.
Just above Notes there are 6 photos (currently). It shows only one photo but you can scrol through it. It's the 6th photo.
I need one more large Onyx to craft the Onyx dragon! My question is if I have only 7 days to mine for amber! Tell me when the double week-end is coming up!
I don't understand.
I got a Very Close at the left bottom corner then I tap all 4 places around it and all I got is Near...
Hello, I have developed an algorithm im which the worst scenario is that it takes 7 to get a hit. The average is 4.4 moves per hit. That gives us over 90% probability on getting at least 2 hits every time. And 100% of getting at least 1.
Putting the image is pointless as it changes from device to device. I mean, the distribution of the grid on the mine according to the picture on the background. What you need to know is that it is a 10 wide x 7 tall grid. Imagine it is an excel sheet and name your columns with letters and the rows with numbers.
The most important points you need to identify are C3, H3, C5 and H5, all two spaces diagonaly from the corners. The rest is more intuitive.
You should start at cell C3. There's a 36% probability that you at least get a "Near"
If you get a "Too Far", hit cell H5. Now there's a 56% of at least a "Near"
If you still get a "Too Far" then hit C7. 50% (Note: it is not C5 this time! its at the last row)
If you get 3 consecutive "Too Far" (unlucky you), hit H1, you will get something this time.
Now, when you hit a "Near" count two spaces to the right and hit that one. I f you are keeping track of your progress you will se, a "Too Far" this time will leave you with 7 possible spaces for a "Found", a "Near" will leave 6 and a "Very Close" only 5.
I will try to explain it with more detail on a future post. maybe with graphics.
First steps for mining
Notice how the red 4 is in I7 and not on H7. This is to take advantage of a possible "Too Far".
In the next post I will put the complete sequence of clicks, where you can see that only 2 paths take 7 attempts. The average is about 4.5 clicks to get a hit.
Mining Sequence
The first click will be at C3.
Lets see an example:
After clicking on C3 you get a "Too Far" (TF), then you follow the TF on the chart and click H3. There you get a "Near" (N) so you click F3. Next you get another N, and you click F1. There you get a TF, click F5. Finaly you get a "Very Close" (VC) and click G5 where you get a Hit after 6 clicks.
It is important to note that after you get the first "Found" there will be unavailable spaces where you clicked to find the first one.
You will need to do an adjustment of this algorithm to find the next items. It should be easier because there are less spaces to search, but placing the first click could be challenging.
about is close to what i was doing but much more effective !!! thanks!
First steps for mining
Notice how the red 4 is in I7 and not on H7. This is to take advantage of a possible "Too Far".
In the next post I will put the complete sequence of clicks, where you can see that only 2 paths take 7 attempts. The average is about 4.5 clicks to get a hit.
Thank you, very close to what I usually do but it's nice to see it in an image. I usually get 2-4 rewards per bomb.
rune is expiring soon!! what is next??
That's a great diagram and all however I've noticed that once you get one hit it seems to reset, so another hit could be sat right next to a previous 'too far'!