Folks, for your very own Diamond, all you have to do is breed a Goodwitch with a Metal Dragon...there are only 7 possibilities, with Diamond being one of them! Boom. Just made your day, didn't I?
Folks, for your very own Diamond, all you have to do is breed a Goodwitch with a Metal Dragon...there are only 7 possibilities, with Diamond being one of them! Boom. Just made your day, didn't I?
Does anybody have any good combos for moon,infinity,angel the combos I've tried failed.
If you have Diamond and Crusader you can get Infinity, you can also try with Diamond and Quetzal, check it out in the calculator ;)
Moon I got with night and light, but it took many, many tries before I got it.
Aren't there 15 possibilities if you do that combo..?