Crafted with 150 Major Minerals
I've got 301 Spirit Crystals just in time and was looking forward to craft a Spirit Crystal Dragon but had to wait for almost 2 days because I was crafting a Lotus Dragon. After that time it was not possible anymore to craft the Spirit Crystal because it was removed from the spell shop. I thought that only the mine would close, but no .... I am so disappointed.
The best strategy to achieve dragons available through mining is hatching water dragons (you must have multiple nests) and evolving them to level 4 (costs less food and time)...this has helped me obtain dragons requiring 300+ materials every time...I even obtained sulfur dragon twice....
Anybody else notice that the feedback you get is only valid until you uncover a piece, then it starts over fresh? That cuts your chances of getting pieces quite a bit!
I won a Diamond Dragon as a bonus on in the Platinum mine but it's not in my inventory! Any thoughts on where to look for it?
Not sure how to edit a wiki, so thought I would write this message. Just to point out that it might be worth noting on the page that Dynamite and bombs are equal to either breeding time or evolution time divided by 4. For example, if you evolve or breed a magic dragon you will receive 5 bombs or dynamite, being 20 (hours) divided by 4 (getting either bombs or dynamite depending on whether you bred or evolved).
I'm doing ok with the expansion section, but getting a lot of duds with the dragon side. Any tips?