I tried FOREVER to breed a regular gemstone, then gave up. Then they gave Androids all the bells and whistles from iOS, so I crafted one. Do I need to craft the others, or can I breed them? The goal for Birthstone specifically says "breed."
I tried FOREVER to breed a regular gemstone, then gave up. Then they gave Androids all the bells and whistles from iOS, so I crafted one. Do I need to craft the others, or can I breed them? The goal for Birthstone specifically says "breed."
I just got it a few days ago (android is my secondary account), but now it takes FOREVER to load. I'm just glad I can craft now- I had absolutely no luck breeding a gemstone and I tried for over a month!
Every now and then, when I return from visiting a neighbor, I'll get pop-ups that I've completed a few goals, usually the same (I remember the Music dragon one). There are normally 2 or 3, and I haven't actually earned them yet. The system eventually realizes this and resets, but it's now happened a few times. Has this happened to anyone else?
Ok- it's choppy, but it's back.
I emailed storm8, hoping they fix it soon. We have World Events to deal with!!
My internet and iPad seem to be working, but neither DS, DS: Halloween, nor FFS are connecting to the internet. I can't connect to the Storm 8 forum to check. Anyone else having this issue?
I crafted mine. Easy peasy. :)
You can spend gold to craft flames. I think that might be it, short of getting another dragon. You can also spend gold just to thaw the egg- check which will cost less. Sorry, but that's probably your only option. Send gold to your neighbors and hope they return the favor. Also send your fire dragon out on the quest- that often returns a few bars.
I got Quetzal that way one night. Took me about 2hrs. For the others, I realized if you breed mixed type dragons, you don't get single type fails (usually), so I'm breeding diamond and coral- that gives me blue/purple combo fails along with blue and purple hybrids (no annoying 20hr magic dragon)
I HATE sunrise. Stupid 24hr common fail. I've avoided all breeding pairs that have that potential, but I really want the kite dragon. Is there anything I can do? I know sometimes odd combos skip some options.
I finally bred an Ice Age dragon...now what? Can I hatch him in the normal isles?
Bombs roll over, materials don't. I was hoping they'd have a double rewards weekend, the way they did with the Platinum. I've got close to my second one, but I doubt I'll make it now.
I only used it during the free weekend a while ago. I got a lot of good dragons (3 rares and a super rare), but I think they tweaked the algorythm then. I don't use it now.
If you want one particular dragon, it's best to do the most limited breeding option. If you want a Pterodactyl, breed dino and air. It reduces the number of fails. If you want to try for all three at once, dino and Scarecrow or Red lantern are the best because they limit fails.
Using diamond or dino/dino is fine, but you run a risk of lots of 10 and 20 second fails, which can be annoying if you don't have all day to sit and play. Also, the options I suggested don't risk getting another Dino.
I don't think any of the "intro" special types can't be traded- Royal, Dino, Mythic, etc. Usually you can trade the other dragons within that type. It's just a thing with TL. I try to keep one at as high a level as I can go and one basic at lvl 4 for breeding. Just sell the extras- nothing else to do.
I wouldn't mind some new quest dragons, but I'm still trying to get my last comet core, so I have time. :)
Forest + Forest, as everyone says. I lost count, but it took me about 10 tries this weekend. I kept all the forest fails for tournament fodder.
They disappear when you give out your three gold for the day. They do reappear at the start of everyday, although it's only the most recent 10 or so. I use that to tell me who sent me gold recently and who I should give back to.
Especially now that they're allowing more habitats. :)
^I wish I'd known that beofre I expanded! Now it's blocked off. Weirdly- you keep accruing dynamite until you hit the max, so they may let us expand more at a later point.