Go to auws.squarespace.com and sign the petition pls
I'm happy for you !
Fire and Light !
Breed Fire and Light, 3 possibilities virtue 33h, love 5h and laserlight 15h. Good Luck !!
I have 2
So trueee !
I will try . Thankyou
Diamond Dragon Athletic Dragon Laserlight Dragon Love Dragon Blue Moon Dragon Winter Dragon Goodwitch Dragon
Oh okaay
Aren't there 15 possibilities if you do that combo..?
I don't have a love or a flower dragon :(
Oh didn't see it. Thankyouuu
It cost so much money to expant ! :(
You need a lott of maps and money, and than you have to wait soooo long. And then a lott of more money for getting rid of treas and other things...
It's not that bad, it gives you maps if you want hehe