150 tickets, Super Rare champion, black, yellow
Finally got an e-mail reply to my query Jan 18/2024. I haven't been able to sign onto my phone (iOS 17.3.1). With limited staff, the fix is going to be an app update. No ETA, just recommending auto updates for the app and requesting patience. Once in a while my iPad allows me to get on the game, but it's very slow. I can't even really participate in the longer activities this way.
Yes. You must click on the full site version if you're viewing it on a phone or tablet, however. It's also a bit limited in that it doesn't have the full catalog of dragons due to admins lacking access to the game.
150 tickets, Super Rare champion, black, yellow
Crafted with 2 markers
12.5 k leaderboard points milestone reward
25k monthly items
Tournament prize
Crafter this one
12.5 k leaderboard prize
150 tickets
It happens to me more often when my phone is low on free memory. I dump apps I'm not using and offload videos, photos, etc.
2 markers
Some editing abilities are limited to certain types of users. I suspect the calculators are among them so the general public doesn't break the codes that allow them to function. I would simply reference the type advantage on the Battle Arena page.
100 battle badges
Tournament prize
150 mined pieces
150 tickets
12.5 k leaderboard points prize.
Tournament prize