Dragon Story Wiki

Charm Dragon Information[]

Baby Form Juvenile Form
Charm Baby Charm Juvenile
Baby humans are cute. Adults are compelled to take care of them, but baby Charm Dragons make human babies look like rocks. If you're not careful, you'll sign over your mortgage to one, even before it's potty trained. As Charm Dragons mature, they begin to use their allure for good, like convincing others to make thoughtful decisions, instead of simply beguiling their way into more food and snuggles.
Adult Form Epic Form
Charm Adult Epic Charm
On a scale of allure, ranging from ant to puppy, Charm Dragons are about seventeen puppies. Just think about what you could accomplish if you were seventeen puppies. Yeah, be careful with this Dragon. It is said that many of the world's greatest and most peace-loving kings and queens were close friends with Epic Form Charm Dragons, who used their allure to guide the leaders on a path to righteousness.

Dragon Information
Rarity: Common
Type: Red Dragons Purple Dragons
Habitat: Red Rocks, Purple Gardens
Available at: Level 10
Buying Price: 200 Gold
Selling Price: 100 Coins
Breeding & Incubation: 16 hours
Exp Gained: 510 Exp20px

Coin Rates Coins[]

Earning Rates
Iconcharm1 Lv. 1 100 Iconcharm4 Lv. 10 450
Lv. 2 119 Lv. 11 530
Lv. 3 136 Lv. 12 544
Iconcharm2 Lv. 4 191 Lv. 13 559
Lv. 5 219 Lv. 14 575
Lv. 6 242 Lv. 15 625
Iconcharm3 Lv. 7 313 LEVEL CAP
Lv. 8 344
Lv. 9 369

Food Costs[]

Total Food Required for Next Level
Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8
20 80 160 400 1,000 2,000 4,800 10,000
Lv. 9 Lv. 10 Lv. 11 Lv. 12 Lv. 13 Lv. 14 Lv. 15
20,000 30,000 42,000 54,500 79,000 99,000 MAX LEVEL


The Charm Dragon is obtainable:

  • By purchase at the market for 200 Gold.
  • By breeding two dragons that collectively contribute Red and Purple to the type pool. If a parent has the appropriate minor types, missing requirements may also be added to the pool, even if neither parent has the originally required types. Minor types that have been split from other minor types can also contribute their component types to the type pool.
  • DISCLAIMER: When attempting to breed the Charm Dragon, you may get other offspring instead. Check the Breeding Calculator to view all of the possible results of combining a particular pair of parents.

