Don't fret if your Rose Dragon doesn't respond well to your compliments. When they're young, they keep their feelings - like the rosebuds on their backs - bottled up inside.
When Rose Dragons' petals start to bloom, they soak in tons of sunshine and tons of attention. Feeling confident, they strut their stuff while strolling around the Island.
Adult Form
Epic Form
With their tantalizing smell and beautiful pelt of petals, Rose Dragons get lots of attention from other dragons looking for mates. However, some thin-skinned Dragons know to keep their distance, because those thorns hurt.
Epic Rose Dragons are celebrities on their Island, constantly being followed by swooning fans and admirers. When they need time to be alone, they duck into a rose bush, blending in perfectly and hiding from their would-be pursuers.
By breeding two dragons that collectively contribute Red and Green to the type pool. If a parent has the appropriate minor types, missing requirements may also be added to the pool, even if neither parent has the originally required types. Minor types that have been split from other minor types can also contribute their component types to the type pool.
DISCLAIMER: When attempting to breed the Rose Dragon, you may get other offspring instead. Check the Breeding Calculator to view all of the possible results of combining a particular pair of parents.
The Rose Dragon's design is based upon the Life Dragon's, although there are differences between the two.
A limited decoration is mentioned in the description of the Rose Dragon's Epic form.