龍族物語™ 维基
龍族物語™ 维基

仙女龍 形態[]

寶寶形態 少年形態
Fairy Baby Fairy Juvenile
愛上[名字]不能自拔的,大有人在。仙女龍被譽為人氣最高的龍,光鮮的尾巴後面總有一群仰慕者。 隨著你的仙女龍一路成長,你會注意到它的棲息地成為島上人氣最旺的地方。雖然廣受歡迎,[名字]依然謙遜而優雅,最善於開派對!
成年形態 史詩形態
Fairy Adult Fairy Epic
如果你收到很多[名字]的粉絲來信,那說明你家仙女龍已經長成!光彩照人魅力四射,[名字]讓人神魂顛倒! 從未有記載史詩級仙女龍與任何人開戰,因四他們魅力四射,扇扇翅膀就能將敵人折服於石榴裙下。

稀有度: 罕見
種類: 綠龍 黃龍
棲息地: 碧林, 黃土高原
等限: Level 4
購買價: 400 金條
售出價: 100 錢
繁殖孵化時間: 8 小時
經驗值: 120 Exp20px

等級賺取率 錢[]

Iconfairy1 Iconfairy2 Iconfairy3 Iconfairy4
Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10
200 238 272 384 438 484 627 688 738 900


The 仙女龍 is obtainable:

  • Rarely by breeding dragons with Green and Yellow colors.
    • DISCLAIMER: Breeding a combination of Green and Yellow color dragons can also result in a Fruitful, Parakeet, Elf or Four-Leaf Dragon.
  • By purchase at the market for 400 Gold20px.


  • The Mistmoth, Mermaid, Sunrise Dragon, and the Kite Dragon's designs are based upon the 仙女龍's, although there are differences between them.
  • A Baby 仙女龍 loses its glowing tail if you evolve it.
  • The Epic form 仙女龍's displayed wing is disjointed.