龍族物語™ 维基

热带龙 形态[]

宝宝形态 少年形态
Tropic Baby Tropic Juvenile
? ?
成年形态 史诗形态
Tropic Adult Tropic Epic
? ?

稀有度: Rare
种类: Tropic Dragons
等限: Level 30
购买价: 500 金条
售出价: 100 钱
繁殖孵化时间: 11 hours
经验值: 2,895 Exp20px

等级赚取率 钱[]

Icontropic1 Icontropic2 Icontropic3 Icontropic4
Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10
145 172 197 278 317 350 455 498 535 652


Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10
125 250 625 1,500 3,750 6,250 15,000 35,000 62,500 最大等级


The 热带龙 is obtainable:

  • 市场 以 500 金条购买。
  • 以a dragon that provides the Blue type跟a dragon that provides the Red type繁殖。 If a parent has the appropriate minor colors, missing requirements may also be added to the pool, even if neither parent has the originally required color types.
  • 以喂养两种 Tropic 来繁殖。().
  • As a random single color result of breeding two pure Diamond color dragons together (Diamond only). This pairing may result in any currently available pure dragon of the Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple, White, Pink, Black, Mythic, Cosmic, Fairytale, Stone, Dino, or Diamond color. Dragons that are not valid offspring, such as crafted or goal dragons, cannot emerge from this pairing.
  • 以有Tropic钻石颜色的龙去繁殖。
  • 免责声明: 当你尝试交配 热带龙时, 有一定几率会交配出其他龙。 要查看其他的可能性,请查阅 繁殖计算器 来确认所有的可能性。


热带龙作为育种龙种时,会有特殊之特性。 只有基本类型的龙不同,它会遵循以下规则:

  • When the Tropic color is alone in the color pool, it will add pure dragons of its component colors () to the list of possible outcomes, but it will not split into its component colors. When Tropic is included in the color pool along with one or more other colors, the Tropic color can split into . However, if it is split, then Tropic is no longer in the pool for the duration. Thus, the presence of Tropic in a pool will either add the Tropic color if it does not split or the colors if it does split.
  • When considering hybrids of the Tropic color whose other colors are all split color components of Tropic (), the Tropic color may contribute both Tropic and its split colors () if both parents have the Tropic color. Currently, no hybrids of this kind are available. Keep in mind that the Tropic color will not split if it is alone in the pool, so you must use at least one Tropic hybrid as a parent if you want to take advantage of this method.
  • Although the Tropic color can split into for breeding purposes, it still only counts as one color. This is important when considering the number of colors for color-amount-dependent dragons such as the Diamond Dragon. Breeding a Tropic Dragon with a Coral Dragon only counts as three types: Tropic, Blue, and Purple.


  • The 热带龙's design is based upon the Air Dragon's, although there are differences between the two.