There's no record of Leo Dragons ever living on Earth until recently. Leo Dragons seemed to simply fly down from the stars above one year in late July, then flew back the next month. They're highly sought after due to their limited time in the Dragon Islands, but if you manage to hatch one, it'll stick around forever.
When Leo Dragons fly down to the Dragon Isles, the constellation Leo seems to become a bit dimmer. Some stars go out of focus or can't be seen. Yet when the dragons leave the Isles, the constellation brightens again. Why? How? Your guess is as good as anyone's.
Leo Dragons are occasionally mistaken for lions by humans. Naturally, lions don't fly, so humans usually either convince themselves their eyes are playing tricks on them or that they're going insane. In any case, legends and art across the world have paintings depicting lions with wings.
Epic Leo Dragons have the full shape of their constellation printed and gleaming brightly across its magnificent coat. The stars on their body blaze so bright that, when flying at night, they've been known to steer ships off course who use the constellation Leo as a navigational tool.
稀有度: Rare
等限: Level 40
购买价: 500
售出价: 100
繁殖孵化时间: 21 hours
经验值: 3,000
等级赚取率 [ | ]
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食物花费[ | ]
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取得方式[ | ]
The 狮子龙 is obtainable:
从 市场 以 500 购买。
以a dragon that provides the Yellow type跟a dragon that provides the Black type繁殖。 If a parent has the appropriate minor colors, missing requirements may also be added to the pool, even if neither parent has the originally required color types.
以喂养两种纯Zodiac 来繁殖。().
As a random single color result of breeding two pureDiamond color dragons together (Diamond only). This pairing may result in any currently available pure dragon of the Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple, White, Pink, Black, Mythic, Cosmic, Fairytale, Stone, Dino, or Diamond color. Dragons that are not valid offspring, such as crafted or goal dragons, cannot emerge from this pairing.
When the Zodiac color is alone in the color pool, it will add pure dragons of its component colors () to the list of possible outcomes, but it will not split into its component colors. When Zodiac is included in the color pool along with one or more other colors, the Zodiac color can split into . However, if it is split, then Zodiac is no longer in the pool for the duration. Thus, the presence of Zodiac in a pool will either add the Zodiac color if it does not split or the colors if it does split.
当 Zodiac 的种类出现更多, 任一它的后代皆有可能繁殖出同样的龙。(Black也是)。
When considering hybrids of the Zodiac color whose other colors are all split color components of Zodiac (), the Zodiac color may contribute both Zodiac and its split colors () if both parents have the Zodiac color. Currently, no hybrids of this kind are available. Keep in mind that the Zodiac color will not split if it is alone in the pool, so you must use at least one Zodiac hybrid as a parent if you want to take advantage of this method.
Although the Zodiac color can split into for breeding purposes, it still only counts as one color. This is important when considering the number of colors for color-amount-dependent dragons such as the Diamond Dragon. Breeding a Leo Dragon with a Coral Dragon only counts as three types: Zodiac, Blue, and Purple.
杂记[ | ]
Unlike other dragons that are available through breeding, the 狮子龙's breeding and incubation time is 21 hours, while cost to speed up is 24 gold. It is unknown at this time whether this is intended behavior or a mistake.
The 狮子龙's evolution time, unlike its 21 hour breeding and incubation, is 28 hours 3 minutes with 24 gold to speed up.
The 狮子龙's design is based upon the Familiar Dragon's, although there are differences between the two.