龍族物語™ 维基

稜鏡龍 形態[ | ]

寶寶形態 少年形態
Prism Baby Prism Juvenile
When Prism Dragons are cooped up inside, they look and act boring- they're translucent, colorless, and are usually mopey when they can't stretch their wings. But when sunlight passes through their body, beautiful rainbows wash out the other side, showering the Dragon Isles with the full spectrum of color. When Prism Dragons are cooped up inside, they look and act boring- they're translucent, colorless, and are usually mopey when they can't stretch their wings. But when sunlight passes through their body, beautiful rainbows wash out the other side, showering the Dragon Isles with the full spectrum of color.
成年形態 史詩形態
Prism Adult Prism Epic
When Prism Dragons are cooped up inside, they look and act boring- they're translucent, colorless, and are usually mopey when they can't stretch their wings. But when sunlight passes through their body, beautiful rainbows wash out the other side, showering the Dragon Isles with the full spectrum of color. When Prism Dragons are cooped up inside, they look and act boring- they're translucent, colorless, and are usually mopey when they can't stretch their wings. But when sunlight passes through their body, beautiful rainbows wash out the other side, showering the Dragon Isles with the full spectrum of color.

稀有度: Ultra Rare
種類: Stone Dragons 鑽石龍
棲息地: , 鑽石原野
等限: Level 42
購買價: 3,000 金條
售出價: 100 錢
繁殖孵化時間: 8 hours
經驗值: 3,000 Exp20px

等級賺取率 錢[ | ]

Iconprism1 Iconprism2 Iconprism3 Iconprism4
Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10
600 1,800 2,279 2,819

食物花費[ | ]

Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10
125 250 625 1,500 3,750 6,250 15,000 35,000 62,500 最大等級

取得方式[ | ]

The 稜鏡龍 is obtainable:

  • 市場 以 3,000 金條購買。
  • By breeding two dragons that collectively contribute Stone and Diamond to the color pool. If a parent has the appropriate minor colors, missing requirements may also be added to the pool, even if neither parent has the originally required color types.
  • 免責聲明: 當你嘗試交配 稜鏡龍時, 有一定機率會交配出其他龍。 要查看其他的可能性,請查閱 繁殖計算器 來確認所有的可能性。

交配特性[ | ]

稜鏡龍作為育種龍種時,會有特殊之特性。 只有基本類型的龍不同,它會遵循以下規則:

  • When the Stone color is alone in the color pool, it will add pure dragons of its component colors (Green and White) to the list of possible outcomes, but it will not split into its component colors. When Stone is included in the color pool along with one or more other colors, the Stone color can split into Green and White. However, if it is split, then Stone is no longer in the pool for the duration. Thus, the presence of Stone in a pool will either add the Stone color if it does not split or the Green and White colors if it does split.
  • When considering hybrids of the Stone color whose other colors are all split color components of Stone (Green and White), the Stone color may contribute both Stone and its split colors (Green and White) if both parents have the Stone color. Currently, no hybrids of this kind are available. Keep in mind that the Stone color will not split if it is alone in the pool, so you must use at least one Stone hybrid as a parent if you want to take advantage of this method.
  • Although the Stone color can split into Green and White for breeding purposes, it still only counts as one color. This is important when considering the number of colors for color-amount-dependent dragons such as the Diamond Dragon. Breeding a Water Dragon with a Prism Dragon only counts as three types: Blue, Stone, and Diamond.
  • When a breeding pair contains a total of two types - Diamond and a minor type (Template:MinorColors) - you can get the following:
    • A pure dragon of that type (ex: Cosmic Dragon for the Cosmic type)
    • A pure dragon of its component types (ex: Fire and Light for the Pink type, which is made up of Red and White)
    • Any currently available hybrid that can be bred using those two parents, with or without the minor type splitting (There are many possibilities for an individual pair; check the Breeding Calculator to see them)
  • When a breeding pair contains Diamond and at least two other different types, Diamond is then treated as its own type under normal rules and any possible offspring using that pair of parents can emerge. To check the list of possible dragons using a particular pair of parents, use the Breeding Calculator.

雜記[ | ]

  • The 稜鏡龍 is currently one of the most expensive dragons in the game, equalled only by the AngelUnicornDark Angel and Helios Dragon.
  • The 稜鏡龍's design is based upon the Genie Dragon's, although there are differences between the two.
  • The 稜鏡龍 is the fifth member of the Stone Type, but the only one who has a type  other than Stone itself.
  • Unlike other dragons the 稜鏡龍's description does not change with each evolution. It is unknown at this time whether this is intended or a mistake.