龍族物語™ 维基

魔法龙 型态[ | ]

宝宝形态 少年形态
Magic Baby Magic Juvenile
魔法龙宝宝需要一路悉心照料。一旦[名字]觉得无聊,就会有怪事发生。无生命的物品活过来,钟表会走形,人被自己的影子捉弄... 传闻[名字]在另一个星球出现,让那里整个周末天降蛤蟆。别担心,这个再正常不过了。如果魔法龙不让天降蛤蟆,还能是谁呢?
成年形态 史诗形态
Magic Adult Magic Epic
你的魔法龙法力越来越大了。有点怕怕。唉呦,[名字]又在瞪我了。啊呀,我的脚变成触须了。我得慢慢滑回家去,我先走了。 将魔法龙养育到史诗级几乎是不可能任务。你应该无比自豪并心存感激,庆幸[名字]从来没有把你瞬间转移到一个让你蛋疼的王国。我就没你这么走运了。

稀有度: Rare
种类: 紫龙
栖息地: 紫荆园
等限: Level 10
购买价: 200 金条
售出价: 100 钱
繁殖孵化时间: 20 hours
经验值: 65 Exp20px

Coin Rates 钱[ | ]

Iconmagic1 Iconmagic2 Iconmagic3 Iconmagic4
Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10
120 142 163 230 262 290 376 412 442 540

Food Costs[ | ]

Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10
15 60 120 300 750 1,500 3,600 7,500 15,000 最大等级

Availability[ | ]

The 魔法龙 is obtainable:

  • Rarely by breeding dragons with Red and Blue colors.
    • DISCLAIMER: Breeding a combination Red and Blue color dragons may produce other offspring aside from the 魔法龙. To view all the possibilities, check the Breeding Calculator.
  • By breeding two pure Purple color dragons together. Currently, the eligible pures are the Magic and Amethyst dragons.
  • By breeding two pure Diamond color dragons together. Currently, the only eligible pure is the Diamond Dragon.
  • By breeding two parents that collectively possess only the Purple and Diamond colors.
  • By breeding two parents that collectively possess only the Black and Diamond colors.
  • By purchase at the market for 200 Gold20px.

Notes[ | ]

  • The BooMirage,CupidGoblin, and Illusion Dragons' designs are based on the 魔法龙's design, although there are differences between them.
  • The 魔法龙 is the 1st one of only three non-Diamond-type single color dragon that can be bred without using basic dragons. Ex: Breeding a Firestorm Dragon with an Island Dragon can result in a 魔法龙 because the correct colors are present.
  • Despite the 魔法龙' coming under the rare category, it can be extremely common.